Current Livestock for Sale

Contact (765) 661-3869 for more information. 

Mini Hereford Cows

Known for their vigor, longevity, and foraging ability, this British breed of beef cattle was first exported from Britain in 1817, initially to Kentucky.

Mini Jersey Cows

Referring to the mature height of the animal, Purebred Miniature Jerseys are bred to be proportionally smaller than full-size Jerseys but pass the same DNA Breed Based Representation (BBR) purity test. The Miniature Jersey breed is sub-divided into size categories, with true Miniature Jerseys reaching 36-42 inches when measured at the hip (Micro-miniature Jerseys measure 36″ and under), and the larger “Mid-Miniatures” measuring between 42-48 inches.

Mangalitsa Pigs

A Hungarian breed of domestic pig developed in the the mid-19th century by crossbreeding Hungarian breeds with the European wild boar and the Serbian Šumadija breed, this unusual pig grows a thick, curly coat of hair and is known as the Kobe beef of pork.

Meishan Pigs

The choice pork for Emperors for over 5000 years, Meishan pork is known for its micro-marbled red meat which makes it an ideal product to be used in Charceuterie. Unlike most pig breeds, Meishans thrive on a diet high in fiber and roughage. They’re known to be an extremely docile and sedentary breed and are also thought to have a lower environmental impact on pastures compared to other heritage and commercial swine breeds.


From Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens (one of the most popular dual-purpose chickens on small farms today), Giant Jersey Chickens (the largest purebred chicken in the U.S.) to Easter Egger Chickens (a bird that is understood to carry the blue egg laying gene) and beyond, we offer a variety of chickens to meet every need!