Learn more about our animals!
Welcome to our online animal menagerie!
Below you will find a list of the various animals we currently have on farm, as well as a brief description of each and some fun facts as well!
Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens
Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens are large, vigorous, friendly, cold-hardy chickens. They can tolerate both hot and cold climates and are known as mellow birds. They also also produce a large number of large brown eggs, making them a great dual purpose breed (not to mention beautiful!).
Giant Jersey Chickens
The largest purebred chicken in the US and probably the world, the Giant Jersey Chicken was originally created as a possible replacement for turkeys. Today, the breed is generally used as egg layers or interesting additions to a flock. Because the demand for the breed died down so much, it was at one point in the early 2000s considered to be a critically endangered breed.
Easter Egger Chickens
Easter Eggers are not a breed per se, but a variety of chicken that does not conform to any breed standard but lays large to extra large eggs that vary in shade from blue to green to olive to aqua and sometimes even pinkish. Easter Eggers vary widely in color and conformation and are exceptionally friendly and hardy.
Silver Appleyard Duck
A friendly duck, great forager, and quick grower, the Silver Appleyard Duck is not only fun and easy to manage, but also extremely easy going. They are also incredibly good layers, as a healthy hen in her prime will lay somewhere between 220 and 260 duck eggs in a single year!
White Chinese Geese
Related the wild swan goose native to Asia, the White Chinese Geese are prolific layers and can produce 60-100 eggs in a breeding season! This popular breed is used for a myriad of purposes, including meat, protection, eggs, and weeding gardens. In fact, George Washington received a pair of Chinese geese as a gift in 1788.
With a total of 3 male and one female peacock, we have added some fun color to our farm recently! It can take up to 3 years for peacocks to grow their tail feathers into the large, beautiful plumage that we think of when we hear the work “peacock”, and furthermore, only male peacocks have those long beautiful feathers. In fact, that dramatic plumage is used to attract peahens!
Mini Jersey Cows
Referring to the mature height of the animal, Purebred Miniature Jerseys are bred to be proportionally smaller than full-size Jerseys but pass the same DNA Breed Based Representation (BBR) purity test. The Miniature Jersey breed is sub-divided into size categories, with true Miniature Jerseys reaching 36-42 inches when measured at the hip (Micro-miniature Jerseys measure 36″ and under), and the larger “Mid-Miniatures” measuring between 42-48 inches.
Mini Hereford Cows
Known for their vigor, longevity, and foraging ability, this British breed of beef cattle was first exported from Britain in 1817, initially to Kentucky. Miniature Herefords, because of their smaller size, are much easier to handle compared to large cattle. They require less space for comfortable living quarters and they eat far less food. Because of this, they can also make great backyard pets!
Meishan Pigs
The choice pork for Emperors for over 5000 years, the Meishan is known for its wrinkled face and skin. Meishan pork is also known for its micro-marbled red meat. They’re known to be an extremely docile and sedentary breed and are also thought to have a lower environmental impact on pastures compared to other heritage and commercial swine breeds.
Used as a working animal for at least the last 5000 years, donkeys are not only very strong but also extremely intelligent. Donkeys are also effective livestock guardians, which is one of the ways we utilize them! They have great eyesight and hearing to detect predators.
Great Pyrenees
Bred to be livestock guard dogs, Great Pyrenees are still used in that capacity today! We have 2 Great Pyrenees on the farm that we use to keep our animals safe from predators- and it doesn’t hurt that they are big fluffy bundles of fur either(super cute!)
Mangalitsa Pigs
A Hungarian breed of domestic pig developed in the the mid-19th century by crossbreeding Hungarian breeds with the European wild boar and the Serbian Šumadija breed, this unusual pig grows a thick, curly coat of hair and is known as the Kobe beef of pork.